This sounds like a dream! I have always dreamed of my family being able to live like this. 🥰 And I love the sun management aspect of the house as I’ve always loved the design of Earthships.

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Working with the sun and nature makes so much sense, it's a funny thing we don't leverage that more! It's just a bit of math and pre-planning with the home design :)

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I've explored such home designs since the 1970s. I like your design a lot. You've incorporated the basics, plus a lot of features I hadn't even thought of. The only suggestions that come to mind, would be to add Earth-berming to the East, North and West walls, and make the design modular, so that people could start small, then build on as circumstances allow. Well done!

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Thank you Andre! I love the earth berming concept. Sounds like a hybrid earthship / WOFATI / hobbit hole :)

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Yeah, totally! Cheapest way to moderate temps without all the problems of weight/leaks etc. of full underground. Spent the winter in a 2000 sq ft passive solar bermed house in the Chilcotin district of BC, which gets -40. The whole place was heated just fine with a Fisher PapaBear-type stove. Can send you pics or post to Acorn Labs page, if you like. Cheers!

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Please send pics! That sounds really solid. What type of roof did it have?

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Another great article! So looking forward to modernizing and "Acornizing" my half-acre house into something truly sustainable and productive!

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Joe, for a half acre home in the suburbs this book would be perfect for you:


I live in the suburbs, as do many others, and moving to a rural area is not always a great option. This book by David Holmgren has so many fantastic ideas for retro-fitting your suburban home to be more resilient. https://retrosuburbia.com/

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It's my family's dream to live in an Acorn Home

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You and me both Jeffrey! We're currently building the first prototype to help teach others about the process :) What aspects do you like the most, about the Acorn Home?

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