Wow, this is an absolutely amazing endevour. If you ever decide to do the same for Europe, I#d be your first subscriber. I'm a Brit, living in Nederland, on the brink of searching France and maybe Spain, for a site to set up an Eco community. Once we have a habitable spot, a side project will be to examine all the complex legal differences between the EU Nations on who can settle where. That it's wide open to all EU citizens is a myth, there is little or no uniformity yet. It's even more complex foe Non-Europeans, with numerous shifting exceptions for Diginomads, and for the wealthy. There are plenty of agencies happy to help, but can be expensive.... and there are some ripoffs for the unwary. I'll be writing about the search soon enough under "The Boulevard" on my Substack https://thiscreativeadventure.com Keep in touch ! Maurice

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Wow! What a great resource!

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This is Amazing. Well done once again guys. You are really nailing it. I hope this great work reaches many many readers. Let's also hope that people start waking up to this new reality we have everyday closer now! Thanks for helping bridge the gap towards off grid freedom.

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